Friday, April 4, 2008

Artistic Assemblage

CAROL LEE RILEY at the Sandra Whitton Gallery 
253 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario  (613) 531-0968

Meet the Artist ~ April 12, 2008 from 5 - 8pm

Carol Lee is an accomplished artist whose
works delight the senses.

Each work when studied closely reveals a marvelous
sense of humor and delight in the world.

Carol Lee is a multi media artist living off the beaten
path in the woods near Westport, Ontario. Her muse
hangs around the used and broken goods of local garage
sales and dumps. These are the fertile playgrounds
of her imagination. Looking beyond their colours,
shapes, textures and symbolic messages, expanding
the possibilities. Everyday objects get transformed
into new animation in her assemblages, constructions
and collages. Carol Lee allows herself the freedom of
continuously experimenting with traditional and
non-traditional techniques, setting new challenges
and keeping each work of art innovative and exciting.

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